Consumer Behavior (Perilaku Konsumen) Part 1

Fanny Amalia/G74140057
Department of Physics (
Collage of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (
Bogor Agricultural University (

                        Consumer Behavior Class IKK233

Department of Family and Consumer Science (
Collage of Human Ecology (
Bogor Agricultural University (

Dr. Ir. Lilik Noor Yuliati, M.FSA
Dr. Ir. Megawati Simanjuntak, M.S
Ir. Ratnaningsih, M.S
Ir. Md Djamaludin, M.Sc
Sumarwan U. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta: PT Ghalia Indonesia


What is Consumer Behavior?
Consumer is a person who receive, buy, or enjoy the goods produced by manufacturers
The meaning of consumer is related with:
-          Customers, users, buyers, decision-makers
-          Production of goods, services, brand, price, quality
-          Bargain, searching for information, consider

Sciffman and Kanuk (2010) define the consumer behavior as...
“The term consumer behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs”.

Sumarwan (2010) declare,
“From some definitions that has mentioned, we can conclude that consumer behavior is all 
activities, actions, and psychological processes that encourage such actions in the moments 
before buy, when to buy, use, spend their products and services after doing these things or 
activities evaluated”.
Basically, consumer behavior is learned to understand why do consumers do what they do. 
Simply, consumer behavior studies is involves: what they buy?; why they buy it?; 
when they buy it?; where they buy it?; how often they buy it?; and how often they use it? 
(Sumarwan, 2011).

Costumer Decision Model
Consumer decision process in buying and consuming goods and services consists of several 
steps, including the introduction of needs, information search, evaluation of alternatives, 
purchase, and customer satisfaction (Sumarwan, 2011).

Theory of Needs

Maslow expresses five human needs based on their level of importance ranging from lowest to highest:
1.    Physiological needs, such as food, air, water, etc.
2.    Safety needs, such as protection, regulation, and legislation.
3.    Social needs, such as be adored, have a friend, a sense of belonging, etc.
4.    Ego needs, such as state, pride, confidence, etc.
5.    Self-actualization, such as success and power.


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